
Nine kinds of traditional Chinese medicines such as honeysuckle and Houttuynia cordata are commonly used in anti-epidemic products as effective anti-disease prescriptions

The new crown epidemic continues to heat up, and various mutant viruses are also rapidly generated. Therefore, no matter Taiwan or Vietnam, you can buy anti-epidemic tea and anti-epidemic traditional Chinese medicine in almost the streets and alleys and online shopping to protect yourself.

But can anti-epidemic tea really improve health?

Anti-epidemic teas are usually formulated with the original prescription of Qingguan No. 1, well-known Chinese medicine clinics, and Chinese medicine shops. The packaging includes tea bags, bottled medicinal powder, etc., but most of the labels, contents, and content are unclear. If inappropriate ingredients are used in it, it will not be able to strengthen the body and may even hurt the body.

Epidemic Prevention Tea_Xinhua_Herbal Throat Spray_Hansheng Pharmaceutical

【Xin Hua】Herbal Throat Spray

  • Hansheng Pharmaceutical, a major Chinese medicine manufacturer
  • Extraction of 9 kinds of natural Chinese medicine ingredients
  • Each bottle has detailed ingredients and manufacturing batch number

In Taiwan, you can shop at Shopee
In Vietnam , it can be purchased on the Yonghe Biomedical website

The detailed names of medicinal materials and Chinese medicine insights are as follows:

Detoxification. Main febrile diseases and fever; toxic heat and blood dysentery; carbuncle and furuncle; sore throat and various infectious diseases.

Houttuynia cordata:
Heat-clearing and toxic substances removing, clearing away carbuncle and expulsion of pus, inducing diuresis and treating stranguria .

Dispelling cold and relieving the exterior, regulating qi and widening the middle. For wind-cold cold, headache, cough, fullness of chest and abdomen.

Promote body fluid to quench thirst; lower blood pressure. The main diabetes; hypertension .

Mulberry leaves:
Dispelling wind-heat, clearing lung and moistening dryness, clearing liver and improving eyesight. For anemopyretic cold, dry cough due to lung heat, dizziness and headache, conjunctival congestion and blurred vision.

Heat-clearing and toxic substances removing, dispelling wind and relieving sore throat. For wind-heat and cold, cough, sore throat, boils and swelling, athlete's foot, eczema.

Scrophulariaceae :
Cooling blood and nourishing yin, purging fire and detoxifying. It is used for febrile disease, red tongue, polydipsia, febrile rash, constipation due to body fluid injury, cough due to bone steaming, red eyes, sore throat, scrofula, diphtheria, carbuncle and sore.

Clear away heat and detoxify, moisten the lungs and relieve cough, harmonize various medicines; roasted licorice can invigorate the spleen and qi. Indications for sore throat, cough, weakness of the spleen and stomach, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, hysteria, carbuncle furuncle, swelling poison, drug and food poisoning.

Shufeng; heat-clearing. Mainly wind-heat cold; headache; red eyes; sore throat; toothache; skin itching .


  1. Hansheng Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.-Product Information (han-sheng.com.tw)
  2. Does drinking anti-epidemic tea depend on physical fitness? How much can you drink per day? Things you must know when buying anti-epidemic tea - Common Health Magazine (commonhealth.com.tw)
  3. Catalog of Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine - A+ Medical Encyclopedia (a-hospital.com)
  4. https://shopee.tw
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