
Qingguan No. 1 became famous at home and abroad, and the number of drug manufacturers increased to 11

Since the epidemic spread in early 2020, it has been more than 2 years to fight against the new crown pneumonia. The Qingguan No. 1 Nricm101 developed by the National Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine has become a good cure for the virus at home and abroad. Therefore, the number of drug manufacturers produced has also increased from the initial 8 to 11.

According to clinical observations, the symptoms of confirmed patients who took Qingguan No. 1 were relieved within a few days. After being infected, it is also less likely to develop a new crown (Long Covid).

Currently, people in Taiwan can go to the " Qingguan No. 1 Dynamic Inquiry Form " to check the inventory of TCM clinics in Taiwan.

Authorized manufacturing pharmaceutical factories as of September 2022 are as follows:

1. Shun Tian
2. Zhuang Songrong
3. Likang
4. Advising Hall
5. Huatuo Fuyuan Hall
6. Han Sheng
7. dawn
8. Kodak
9. Tomita
10. Shengchang
11. One day

Taiwan's Qingguan No. 1 is popular abroad and the whole people are crazy about Chinese medicine (yahoo.com)

The latest / "Taiwan" Qingguan No. 1 drug dealer has increased to 14 nationwide purchase locations exposed | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

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