
10 ways to improve insomnia, so that you no longer have dark circles

Good quality sleep can not only improve immunity, but also make people look younger and more energetic. However, problems such as economic and work pressure, emotional troubles, and interpersonal relationships linger. More and more people suffer from insomnia because of this, going to bed too late, unable to fall asleep, or sleeping well. In the long run, not only physical strength and spirit are affected, but also skin is more likely to appear in an abnormal state.

Here are 10 ways to get rid of insomnia!

1. More exposure to the sun in the morning can fully secrete serotonin in the body, so that the mind is clear during the day, and it is easier to fall asleep at night when it is time to sleep.

2. Ingest carbohydrates and tryptophan foods. Supplement carbohydrates and tryptophan foods, such as: bananas, milk, yogurt, cashews, etc. Avoid spicy, irritating or high-fat foods, which will affect the physiological functioning time.

3. Nap no more than 1 hour Nap can help the mind to rest, but sleeping too long may affect night sleep.

4. Go to bed and go to bed on time to regularize sleep so as not to disturb the biological clock. Another study shows that if you take a comfortable hot bath 1.5 hours before going to bed, you can fall asleep about 10 minutes earlier on average, helping the body to effectively discharge heat and achieve the effect of lowering body temperature.

5. Start to relax 1 hour before going to bed. If you put down your phone, leave the screen, or listen to lazy music 1 hour before going to bed, you can give yourself a simple massage and other relaxation methods, which will help you fall asleep faster.

10 phương pháp cải thiện tình trạng mất ngầ, giúp bạn không còn bị thâm quầng mắt

6. Do soothing exercises before going to bed to move your muscles and bones a little, which can help you fall asleep. Avoid doing it a few minutes before going to bed, and it should not be too intense.

7. Taking a bath or soaking feet before going to bed can cause sleepiness if the body temperature is moderately raised. The recommended temperature is 37-40°C. If the temperature is too high, it will make you feel better.

8. Do not drink too much water before going to bed. It is easy to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and interrupt sleep.

9. Keep a good mood Before going to bed, you might as well let go of negative thoughts, recall the happy people and things today, transfer those regrets, anger and sadness, and go to sleep with a happy and good mood!

10. Adjust the light Dim the light or turn off the light when sleeping, the body will start to promote the normal secretion of melatonin, and drowsiness will naturally occur.

Sleeping is not just for beauty, it can also help you lose weight!

Foreign studies have found that people who sleep less than 7 hours for a long time have an increased chance of obesity, and young people who sleep less will increase the proportion of obesity in middle age. Try these 10 ways to avoid insomnia, let you sleep more beautifully!

This article is authorized to be reproduced from the blog - Ruijia Beauty Encyclopedia (ruijiabeauty.com) . Do not reproduce without authorization.

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