
How to supplement nutrition before pregnancy? Provide smooth growth of the fetus!

Nutrients needed for pregnancy, pre-pregnancy supplementation is the best

Many expectant/new mothers do not know they are pregnant in the early stages of pregnancy.
After the embryo is formed, cells will differentiate within 3 months to form different tissues and organs, and the central nervous system will gradually form, which is an important stage of fetal growth and development.

According to the Taiwan National Health Administration's "Reference Intake of Dietary Nutrients for Chinese People", according to the nutrition required during pregnancy, the recommended amount of nutrients and food sources during pregnancy are provided:

1. Protein: Support fetal growth and repair maternal tissue. For pregnant mothers, there is an extra life in the stomach, and more nutrients are needed to help the fetus grow strong.
Protein is a material for building tissues and organs. In addition to increasing intake during pregnancy, the quality of protein is also very important. Beans, fish, eggs and meat in food are high-quality protein sources, which can be better absorbed and utilized by the body.
Food source: beans, fish, eggs, meat

2. Vitamin B group: assist in energy metabolism and red blood cell formation In order to cope with fetal development and increased calorie and protein requirements, it is also necessary to increase the intake of vitamin B group to help the body metabolize energy and maintain normal physiological functions. Vitamin B12 is related to the synthesis of red blood cells and DNA. It is mainly derived from animals. Especially vegetarian mothers should pay attention to supplementing to avoid anemia.
Food sources: Vitamin B group (B1~B3/B5~B7/B9/B12, etc.) widely exists in various foods.

3. Folic acid: Helps fetal nerve development and prevents neurological defects. The fetus is differentiated from a small fertilized egg into cells with different functions. The help of folic acid is indispensable in the whole process.
Folic acid is very important to the development of the neural tube of the embryo, and supplementation in the early stages of pregnancy is even more critical. Having folic acid can not only prevent fetal brain and spinal neural tube defects, but also help the formation of red blood cells and prevent mommy from fatigue, anemia and other symptoms.
Food sources: whole grains, dark green vegetables, liver, lean meat, soy products
Recommended daily intake: 600μg

4. Iodine: Help fetal brain development and prevent growth retardation. Iodine is an important raw material for the synthesis of thyroxine. It controls the body's metabolism and is closely related to growth and development. If the mother's iodine is insufficient, it may affect the fetal brain development, lead to growth retardation and neurodevelopmental insufficiency of the newborn, and increase the risk of miscarriage and congenital abnormalities. Nutritionists suggest that in addition to eating natural iodine-containing foods, using iodized salt when cooking can increase iodine intake.
Food sources: iodized salt, seaweed, fish and shellfish
Recommended daily intake: 200μg

5. Iron: To maintain fetal intellectual development, prevent anemia and premature birth. Women often have the problem of replenishing blood during their menstrual period, especially after being promoted to mothers, they have to take care of their babies, and their demand for iron increases. Sufficient iron can help red blood cells carry oxygen, transport nutrients to the fetus, and improve the baby's intellectual development and immunity. Pair it with foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, to help iron absorption.
Food sources: offal, red meat, seafood, dark green vegetables, legumes
Daily recommended intake: 15mg, in the third trimester of pregnancy (over 29 weeks of pregnancy), it needs to be increased to 45mg per day

6. Calcium: Construct healthy bones and teeth and prevent maternal bone loss. Calcium is the cornerstone of bone and tooth growth. In order to make the baby’s bones develop better, mothers need to supply more calcium. Causing loss of maternal bone calcium. Pregnant women are advised to supplement enough calcium, not only to help the baby's bones and teeth grow healthily, but also to prevent mommy from cramping and discomfort, and to maintain a constant blood pressure.
Food sources: dairy products, dark green vegetables, dried fish, black sesame, traditional tofu, etc.
Recommended daily intake: 1,000mg

7. Vitamin D: Prevent gestational diabetes and high blood pressure Vitamin D is an indispensable helper for calcium absorption. It not only strengthens bones, but also participates in hormone synthesis, insulin secretion, and blood pressure regulation. Vitamin D deficiency can easily lead to premature birth, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension and immune system regulation problems. Exposure to the sun can stimulate the skin to synthesize vitamin D. Exposure to the sun for 10-20 minutes a day is beneficial to the health of mothers and fetuses.
Food sources: High-fat fish, fortified dairy products, mushrooms (exposed to sunlight)
Recommended daily intake: 10μg

8. Dietary fiber: promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent constipation. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, intestinal peristalsis is likely to slow down. As the baby grows up, the uterus will also oppress the intestinal tract, resulting in longer time for food to pass through the intestinal tract and cause constipation. .
Moms can consume foods rich in dietary fiber, which can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and increase satiety.
Remember to drink plenty of water and exercise more to make bowel movements smoother.
Food sources: vegetables, fruits, unrefined whole grains (pumpkin, corn, lotus root, etc.)

Pre-pregnancy nutritional deficiencies may affect fetal growth

According to the results of the 103-106 "National Nutrition and Health Change Survey" conducted by the National Health Service, it was found that 7.9% of Chinese women of childbearing age aged 15-49 had a serum folic acid concentration lower than the lower limit of 6 ng of normal folic acid concentration recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) /ml, 37.6% of the urine iodine concentration is lower than the lower limit of 100 μg/L for iodine nutritional sufficiency recommended by WHO, about 19.5% are anemic (hemoglobin concentration <12 g/dL is regarded as anemia), and 37.4% are insufficient in Vit D (serum 25-OH Vit D concentration <20 ng/ml is considered insufficient).

If a woman is deficient in the above-mentioned nutrients before pregnancy, and starts to supplement the deficient nutrients after she knows she is pregnant, it may affect the healthy growth of the fetus.

  • The lack of folic acid in the first 3 months of pregnancy can easily increase the risk of congenital neural tube defects in the fetal brain and spinal cord
  • Iodine deficiency affects the brain and nerve development of fetuses and young children, and even causes cretinism, neonatal intellectual development deficiency, and growth retardation, thereby increasing infant mortality
  • Iron deficiency anemia may lead to premature birth
  • Lack of Vit D can easily lead to premature birth, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and immune system regulation problems.

Therefore, women who plan to have a baby need to pay attention to their nutritional intake before pregnancy, and have regular check-ups after pregnancy, and supplement the required nutrients according to the health education guidance of medical personnel.

Lucia-Queen Bee Peptide Collagen:
In addition to supplementing high-quality and easily absorbed protein with collagen, royal jelly also contains a variety of essential amino acids, B vitamins, active hormones, enzymes, and a precious substance-decenoic acid, which can regulate the body from the inside out. The vitamin E added in it can help safe implantation.
Vitamin D can promote the release of calcium to maintain blood calcium balance. Red algae calcium has a variety of trace elements, and it is top-notch care, supplementing the body with various precise nutrients at one time!

Lucia - Premium Pure Collagen:
Protein can promote the operation of all functions, and it is an indispensable nutrient for pregnant couples!
After protein is absorbed by the body, it will be converted into amino acids, which will help increase male vitality.

Lucia-Usu Probiotics:
In addition to helping the smooth function of probiotics, it is more important to be able to build a good physical foundation for yourself and your children.

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References :

Key nutrition during pregnancy 3+1 to help you have a good pregnancy - Ministry of Health and Welfare (mohw.gov.tw)

Pregnancy doesn't just need folic acid supplements! Nutritionist reveals 8 nutrients to pay attention to during pregnancy -Heho Health

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